- To serve as a centre for legal research, capability building and advisory services.
- To be a trusted source of independent research insights and policy solutions for diverse decision-makers in governments, regulatory bodies, investor communities, business communities and civil society.
- To support law-makers and regulators in the analysis and creation of laws, rules and regulations for India’s growth and development.

- Autonomy: We are an independent, non-partisan, impartial, non-governmental and not-for-profit organisation.
- Excellence: We strive for the highest level of learning and scholarly standard in legal research and analysis.
- Effectiveness: We endeavour to deliver legal research and policy solutions that are practical and implementable.
- Balance: We facilitate economic, environmental and social progress through our work.
- Collaboration: We believe in synergistic partnerships that bring together diverse resources, groups and perspectives.
SOLPO Research’s impact cuts across industries and influences urban and rural development. Our work helps to improve the lives of the people who populate the landscape as well as preserve that very landscape. This intersectionality is depicted in the mesh of overlapping lines that ultimately form a lotus flower.
The lotus flower signifies knowledge, learning, wisdom, discretion, prosperity, progress and evolution. We strive to bring these attributes to society at large through our legal research and academic work. We aspire to create a rich knowledge-base that will contribute towards economic, environmental and social progress.

Key Documents
Registration Certificate – Society for Legal & Policy Research
Memorandum of Association – Society for Legal and Policy Research
Rules and Regulations – Society for Legal and Policy Research